Awesome Wrestling Events - An MVP for wrestling event management
This is my first SAAS product that i've launched, now I need to get a few customers lined up
What it is
This is for youth wrestling event organizers who need a simple way to manage their events.
Who it's for
Software simple enough for a soccer mom who knows nothing about wrestling can run their own event.
What it does
You can create an event and open it up for registration. You then conduct weigh-ins, create brackets, and manage matches.
How it works
Select When, Where, & How much and publish the event for registration. Then follow the steps to manage the event.
Why it matters
Wrestling events shouldn't be complicated to manage and you shouldn't need a third party to do it for you.
How to use it
Simply log-in and follow the only path you can take to create an event.
Here is a demo of the product in action: